Executive Editor Linda Tucci oversees news and e-zine projects for SearchCIO.com and SearchCIO-Midmarket.com. She has covered CIO strategy since joining TechTarget in 2005, focusing most recently on big data, mobile computing and social media. She also writes frequently about the CIO role and CIO careers for SearchCIO.com's weekly CIO Matters column. Prior to joining TechTarget she was a business columnist for the St. Louis Post-Dispatch. Her freelance work has appeared in The Boston Globe and T
微软在纽约的一个活动中发布了Microsoft Teams(微软团队)——微软公司新的基于聊天的生产工具。
Galaxy Note 7手机拥有双曲面屏,正如评论家所说,拥有优美的曲线、、无与伦比的摄像头和漂亮的手写笔,具有防水功能,据说可以承受在浴缸中浸泡30分钟。
需要什么才能建立一支高效的IT团队呢?最近SIM波士顿技术领导力峰会上,CIO Jack Wood和Paul Brady献上了如何招聘、再培训、留住和娱乐人才的秘诀。
企业文化不容易培养,也很难维持。身为CIO的Jack Wood和Paul Brady在最近召开的SIM波士顿技术力领导峰会上向同僚们奉上了他们的秘诀。